We interview artists to discuss their practice, ideas and control the context it is presented in. The interviews have the feel of a conversation and allow us to bring to light some nuances or ideas that may not always be apparent within the work or are to difficult to explain in a press release. They become moments we frequently look back upon. Besides this page they can be explored on our YouTube Channel and on Spotify both under the moniker of Keijsers Koning. Enjoy...
Artists Interviews
Artist Interviews
Interview with Natalie Westbrook for "Mother of Pearl"
Natalie Westbrook speaks with Bart Keijsers Koning about her exhibition October 3, 2022Natalie Westbrook discusses her show 'Mother of Pearl' at Keijsers Koning with Bart Keijsers Koning. In the taped conversation we discuss Natalie's experience with sculpture and its first public presentation,... -
Tamara Johnson and Bart Keijsers Koning conversation on our YouTube channel
YouTube Channel interviews January 21, 2023Tamara Johnson and Bart Keijsers Koning converse about her practice and the sculptures featured in 'Breathing Amongst Werewolves'. It is a wonderful insight into Tamara's practice, her humor and giving... -
Bart Keijsers Koning interviews Benjamin Tischer and Eric Heist
Discussion about "Candy Factory" an exhibition by Breyer P-Orridge / Heist March 20, 2023Discussion about "Candy Factory" an exhibition by Breyer P-Orridge / Heist. featuring Benjamin Tisch, Eric Heist and Bart Keijsers Koning -
Kris Pierce is interviewed for his show "Applause"
Kris Pierce is interviewed by Bart Keijsers KoningKris Pierce is intereviewed by Bart Keijsers Koning for his solo exhibition 'Applause'. The two discuss the exhibition and general thoughts about his work and its narrative. on view on... -
Eileen Maxson and Bart Keijsers Koning discuss her work on our YouTube Channel
Join us on our YouTube channel to see Eileen Maxson and Bart Keijsers Koning discuss her exhibition 'Parent Trap' (nominated 'Best of 2024' by Glasstire ) as well as discover... -
Beya Gille Gacha and Bart Keijsers Koning discuss her show and work.
After a few delays we finally were able to coordinate our interview. Beya Gille Gacha and Bart Keijsers Koning discuss her work, process and general practice. We cover teh gamit... -
Popel Coumou interviewed by Bart Keijsers Koning for her show "Paper Reality"
April 13, 2023Check out our YouTube channel which has a new interview in the series as we dive into the work, methodology and approach to the work by Popel Couomou. The interview... -
Eric Sall is interviewed by Bart Keijsers Koning for our YouTube channel
June 1, 2023Join us on our YouTube channel @keijserskoning as we interview Eric Sall in which we discuss his approach to abstraction, his work and the solo exhibition 'Rhythm don't Rhyme' at... -
Keijsers Koning interviews with Rush Baker IV and Quinci Baker
Rush Baker IV is interviewed by Bart Keijsers Koning January 23, 2024Rush Baker IV, Quin Baker and Bart Keijsers Koning discuss their work in Foundations, an online curated art fair by Artsy, which opened on January 23 – February 14, 2024.... -
Brent Brinbaum is interviewed for "Puppies & Trolls & Giraffes, Oh My"
April 22, 2024Artist Interview with Bart Keijsers Koning -
Rush Baker and Bart Keijsers Koning discuss his exhibition "Yesterday and Tomorrow"